The difference between good and bad

good-and-badYes we all are very much engaged with these two words. Good and bad. So I made some studies to find the reality between good and bad.

  1. Some years ago a man just used to hate those men who smoke but when he also put his name in the smokers category and started smoking , then he just could not able to find the reason why smoking is bad. If you asked a man who don’t smoke he will definitely put it on the “bad” category. Because it’s bad for health. But when you asked the same question in front of a man who smoke , he will tell you that it’s essential for them to   Because they have to work till the late night or they have just so many troubles in their life or anything else.
  2. If you are going out with your girlfriend and did some kisses and touches. Then there’s nothing about bad. But if you are not and watch some other couple to do that then? So it’s really difficult to tell which are bad and which are the good.
  3. If your son just don’t give his/her time for studies then he just chosen a wrong way. But if he just build a big business then? So here also it’s so much difficult to say the good or bad thing.
  4. If you loves a girl and follows her to tell your fillings then there’s nothing about bad. but if you are not then you will just considered that boy as a road side romio. But which is bad is that you should never throw bad comments to the girl.
  5. If a girl weir some western dress then she is bad. but if the girl is your sister then  there’s nothing abut bad.

So it’s really difficult to make the difference between good and bad. Our brain grows with our society. So these good and bad things really very much dependent on to it. একটি সুন্দর ছবি আপনার ফোনের ক্যামেরার সাহায্যে কিভাবে তুলবেন
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